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Benefits Of Coconut Water

Updated: Feb 9, 2021

Drinking coconut water has become a trend in today's society. It has dominated the health market, so what's the hype behind it?

Coconut water is the clear liquid inside green coconuts. Unlike other fruit and sports drinks, coconut water is low in sugar and calories. It is used to curb one's thirst and restore hydration.


Coconut water contains natural electrolytes

Electrolytes are an essential mineral to regulate the body's functions: balancing pH, hydration, and muscle and nerve function. Throughout the day, electrolyte and fluid losses occur naturally through sweat. It is essential to replenish these levels constantly by sustaining a mineral-rich diet. However, some situations such as excessive exercise can drastically lower electrolyte levels, which can cause health complications if left untreated. These instances may warrant an electrolyte drink to restore the levels immediately to avoid adverse outcomes.

It has been suggested that drinking coconut water is comparable to sports drinks because it contains natural electrolytes, including sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Therefore, drinking coconut water can ensure that electrolyte levels are at a healthy level.

Now that you're aware of the benefits associated with coconut water, you should integrate it into your diet. It is the simplest way to restore electrolyte levels and stay hydrated.

Here is one coconut water brand you should try!


Which coconut brand should I be drinking?

With a variety of coconut waters on the market, we thought it would be easier to tell you which brand you should start drinking.

CocoVio Australia. Start the day by drinking Cocovio Australia coconut water!

Cocovio Australia has recently launched certified organic coconut water. It contains 100% natural coconut water. It has no added sugars, no preservatives, natural's own isotonic, and always natural, not from concentrate.


How to integrate coconut water into your everyday life?

1. Drink it straight from the can:

If drinking plain water is too bland for you, try drinking coconut water to add that extra sweet taste. If has a unique flavour that you won’t be able to resist.

2. Make a smoothie

Are you bored of adding milk to your smoothies? Why don’t you replace the diary with coconut water to boost flavours and nutrition?

3. Make a salad dressing

Spice up your salads with coconut water. If you don't know where to start, why don't you try this simple salad dressing recipe? · ¼ cup of coconut water · 2 tbsp of lemon juice · 2tbsp olive oil

4. Make a cocktail

Coconut water is the perfect ingredient for your summer cocktails because of its hydrating effects. It’s the perfect ingredient to help you keep healthy and hydrating during summer.


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